Majical alphabets have been around for many years. They are used for many different things. Some will use them for divination,
such as the runes, or the ogham, and others use them as decorative writing. For the witches during the times when it was unlawful,
and sometimes deadly to be a witch they would use them as their secret langage so that know one knew what was written. Below
are some graphics of different types of majical alphabets.

TheBan |
Theban "The Witches Runes"
This alphabet was said to have been created, or favored by pope Honoius II, whom was a famous sorcerer in his day. Theban
Runes or the witches runes are one of the few magical alphabets that are commonly used by ceremonial magicians.

Celestial |
A magical alphabet popular with Ceremonial Magicians, also called;Angelic.

The Runes |
Futhark Runes
The term Runes is today used to refer to the ancient Germanic alphabet, it is also sometimes called Futhark. It was developed
in Northern Europe useing the Latin, and Greek alphabets as a model. The Runic alphabet was used in Scandinavia, and Germania
for many hundreds of years, and it was carried buy the Vikings in their travels.

Ogham |
It is believed that the Irish Celts invented Ogham around 300 AD. This is somewhat a simple alphabet that is made up of vertical,
and diagonal lines drawn above, and below a center line. It has been though that the Ogham was developed from a system of
hand signs, and that the letters shaow how many fingers should be held up or down on each hand.

Daggers |
This is an interesting alphabet which comes from Crowley's Equinox. Again, it is primarily used by Ceremonials.
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