The Grand Sabbats
Samhain (November 1)
The begining of the ancient Celtic liturgical year.
The festival of the dead.
It is a time to honor the spirit world.
It is also a festival of the end of the harvest.
Samhain is sacred to the Crone Goddess,
which is were the image of Halloween Witch comes from.
More Information on Samhain
Imbolc (February 1)
This is the festival of the begining of spring.
It represents the renewed life of earth after winter,
and the suns growth in strength.
Imbolc is also called Candlemas
Imbolc is sacred to the Maiden Goddess,
the Goddess of Dawn and of Fire.
More Information on Imbolc
Bealteinne (May 1)
This sabbat marks the begining of the light half of the year.
It is the festival of life.
Bealteinne is also known as Beltane, Kalenda Maia,
Roodmas, and May Day
It is sacred to the great Mother Goddess.
More Information on Bealtaine
Lughnassadh (August 1)
This sabbat marks the begining of the harvest.
It is the festival of first fruits.
Lughnassadh is sacred to the Mother Goddess as
the Lady of the Harvest.
It is also called Lammas, First Fruits, and Bron Trograine.