Rev Gigis B.O.S.
Wiccan Laws
Rites of Passage
Sabbat & Esbat Rituals
Magical Alphabets
Wiccan Tools
Druid Tools
Wiccan Clothing
Magical Words

Items Needed
2 Small White Candle, Sage stick, Holy Water or oil for anointing, Gold candle, Silver candle, Decorations of innocence, and pentagram of protection charm. Beverage, and bread.

The Ritual

Cast the Circle
I do cut apart a space between the realms of Humankind, and the Mighty Ones. A circle of art, to focus and contain the power raised herein.

Call The Quarters
Welcome, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, power of air, and intellect. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome, O Guardian of the watchtower of the south, Power of Fire and Manifestation. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome O Guardian of the watchtower of the West, power of Water and Emotion. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome O Guardian of the watchtower of the North, Power of Earth, and Integration. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Mother Earth Invocation
Welcome Mother Earth, Keeper, and protector of all life, and vegetation, I/we ask you for your blessings, and aid on this special night of Wiccanning. Your generous gifts of life year after year, and month, after month sustain us, and provide for us. I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Father Sky Invocation
Welcome Father Sky, Keeper, and provider of light and energy. I/we ask you for your blessings, and aid on this special night of Wiccanning. Your Warmth, and sustaining energy force help us and all life to grow. I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Ancestors Invocation
Oh beloved Ancestors whom have gone before, I/we ask you to give your blessings, and aid on this special night of Wiccanning. Family members of my/our lineage, and spiritual family which guides me/us. I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Statement of purpose
I/we Have come together tonight to take part in ______________ declaration of her/his spiritual path. A path of learning, loving, and respecting all life. We have gathered hear to bare witness to the presenting of this soul to the Goddess, and God as this soul has now found their inner light. May this declaration of _____________ be blessed, and always have the eternal light shinning bright within her/him.

Act of Power Wiccanning

I call ___________ to now come forth to the altar, and be recognized, and welcomed by all that are present.

(Smudge, and anoint the person coming forth)

Who comes forth to altar of Mother Nature, and Father Sky. (person answers with their name)

Do you come forth of your own free will. (person answers)

Do you come forth to give you oath to Mother Earth, and Father Sky of learning, loving, and respect for all life. (person answers)

Do you come forth to place an oath for a journey on the path of the Earth bound ways. (person answers)

( light the candles, and say)

______________, child of the universe that stands before the altar. Look at the flame before you and know that it is a pale reflection of a much greater flame. A flame which is the Eternal Flame, and is a flame that burns within you, at the very core of your soul.

This Eternal Flame has burned since before creation, and will continue to burn throughout all existence. This is the Eternal Flame that is the Divine spark of the Goddess that lies within you, and all life. It is through this flame that you are always connected with the Goddess, and through this you are connected to all things. Through this flame you can call upon the Goddess, and fell her love, strength, and all the power that comes from it.

As you grow spiritually this flame will burn strong, however if you deny your spirit the flame will burn low, never going out for the flame is always a part of you as you are part of the Goddess, she remains part of you. The Eternal Flame burns low until feed again through your connection with your spirit, and as you feed the spirit this flame within you shall burn brighter and you a ready to embark on your spiritual journey.

(say the oath)

Behold I ___________ declare myself a spiritual child of the universe, and of Mother Earth, and Father Sky. Being in tune with my Higher Self, and equally aligned with the sacred flame that burns within me. I now make this oath from my heart, and of my own free will.

(light the small white candle)

I promise always to abide by the Wiccan Rede, and the Law of Three, and I call upon Mother Earth, and Father Sky to witness this, my sacred oath, and I ask them to help guide me in my spiritual journey of the Earth, and to make this a deep and full path on which I embark. By my will, I will it so, So mote it be.

(priestess presents person with the charm)

I present you with this charm as a reminder of the spiritual path in which you now take. Let this charm remind you that the Goddess is within you now and always. So Mote it Be!

Charge of the Goddess

I am the harmonious tune of the songbird
And the laughter of a gleeful child.
I am the bubbling sound of the running brook
And the scent of the flowers wild.

I am the floating leaf upon the breeze
And the dancing fire in the forest glade.
I am the sweet smell of rains upon the soil
And the rapture of passion when love is made.

I am the germination of see in the Spring
And the ripening of wheat in the sun.
I am the peaceful depth of twilight
That soothes the soul when day is done.

I am found in the twinkling of an aged eye...
And found in the birth of a newborn pup....
Yes, birth and growth and death am I
I am the gracious Earth, on whom you sup.

I am your sister, your mother, the wise one.
I wrap you gently in the warmth of my love.
That which you seek you shall find within
Not without, not below, not above.

Remember always, my children, be reverent.
Be gentle, loving and kind to each other
And hold sacred the Earth and its creatures
For I am the Lady: Creator and Mother!

Charge of the God

Listen to the words of the Great Father, who was of old called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by many other names.

"My law is harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the Earth that is the body of Cernunnos, that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the father of all things, and my protection blankets the Earth."

Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons:

"I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the Earth and all its beings. Through me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within me. All beginnings have endings and all endings have beginnings."

Seven Fold Blessing

(anoint each part of the body as you say the words)

Blessed Be your feet, that you may walk in the path of the Goddess.
Blessed Be your knees that you may kneel at the ancient altar.
Blessed Be your loins that you may bring forth in joy and create.
Blessed Be your heart which is formed in beauty, that you may give love and receive it.
Blessed be your lips which shall speak the words of power in time to come.
Blessed Be your eyes that you may see always clearly.
Blessed be your crown that you may ever receive the messages of the Goddess.

(welcome the person with hugs, and gift giving)

Offering for Mother Earth & Father Sky
As Mother Earth and father sky have heard my/our praises, and witnessed, and aided in this wiccanning I/we shall now receive their blessings in return. The blessings of the fruits of the Earth so that I/we shall life without hunger or thirst.

I/we shall drink this wine as the blessing from Mother Nature, and in return offer Mother Nature some with My/our love, thanks, and respect.

I/we shall eat this bread as the blessing from Father Sky, and in return offer Father Sky some with My/our love, thanks, and respect.

Thanking the Ancestors
Beloved Ancestors, whom guide me/us, and have gone before. I/we pray that you will be with me/us, and that I/we may call upon you again in the future. I/we thank you for your blessings, and aid on this night, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Thanking Father Sky
Father Sky, Keeper, and provider of light and energy. I/we thank you for your presence here, and your aid tonight, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Thanking Mother Earth
Mother Earth, Keeper, and protector of all life, and vegetation. I/we thank you for your presence here, and your aid tonight, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Dismissing the Quarters
Guardians of the Watchtower of the North I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the West I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the South I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the East I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Opening the Circle
As above, So below.
As the universe, So the soul.
As without, So within.
The circle is open but not unbroken
So Mote It Be!

copywrite © 2004 ladyshadowfeather