Rev Gigis B.O.S.
Midsummer Ritual June 20 - 22
Wiccan Laws
Rites of Passage
Sabbat & Esbat Rituals
Magical Alphabets
Wiccan Tools
Druid Tools
Wiccan Clothing
Magical Words

Items Needed
1 - Gold, Yellow, and Orange Candles
2- Incense (cinnamon, rosemary, sage)
3 - Beverage, and bread offerings
4 - Cauldron & Charcoal lit at beginning of ritual

Cast the Circle
I do cut apart a space between the realms of Humankind, and the Mighty Ones. A circle of art, to focus and contain the power raised herein.

Call The Quarters
Welcome, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, power of air, and intellect. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome, O Guardian of the watchtower of the south, Power of Fire and Manifestation. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome O Guardian of the watchtower of the West, power of Water and Emotion. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Welcome O Guardian of the watchtower of the North, Power of Earth, and Integration. I/we pray that you will be with me/us this night in my/our circle, and that you will give your blessings, and your aid to this my/our undertaking! I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Mother Earth Invocation
Welcome Mother Earth, Keeper, and protector of all life, and vegetation, I/we ask you for your blessings, and aid on this special night of Ostara. Your generous gifts of life year after year, and month, after month sustain us, and provide for us. I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Father Sky Invocation
Welcome Father Sky, Keeper, and provider of light and energy. I/we ask you for your blessings, and aid on this special night of Ostara. Your Warmth, and sustaining energy force help us and all life to grow. I/we bid you a fond welcome.

Invocation of the Ancestors:

Ancestors from the past, and beloved ones whom have gone before, I invoke you and ask for you to join me, and bless me. Ancestors of all paths and traditions, and ancestors of all our familys whom have past, our spiritual family which lends me aid, wisdom, and support, please lend me your inspiration, and love, your guidance, and aid on this night. I pray Oh great Ancestors of the past and I bid you honor, and a fond welcome.

Statement of purpose;

I/we have come tonight in celebration of the Midsummer festival. This is a time were the sun is at the height of his reign, and it is the longest day of the year. From this day on the days will begin to grow shorter, and we will start to prepare for winter.

Act of Power: Incense Circle

The sun is the Lord of the physical world, and manifestation, as Midsummer is at the height of the suns power. We are going to work with manifestation through fire, and air as these are the elements associated with the sun God. I/we will think of something I/we to manifest.

Hold up the sage, and say

To have a positive change on the mental plane I have brought forth sage to add to the pot.

Hold up the cinnamon, and say

To have a positive change in the physical plane I/we have brought forth cinnamon to add to the pot.

Hold up the rosemary and say

To have a positive change in the spiritual plane I/we have brought forth rosemary to add to the pot.

Now begin to chant

By my will, and with my hand,
I call you forth to where I stand.
As I will it, it shall be,
I call it to me, come to me.
With all the powers of 3 times 3,
As I do will, so mote it be.

Offering for Mother Earth & Father Sky
As Mother Earth, and Father Sky have heard my/our praises, and witnessed, and aided in our celebration of Mabon I/we shall now receive their blessings in return. The blessings of the fruits of the Earth so that I/we shall live without hunger or thirst.

I/we shall drink this wine as the blessing from Mother Earth, and in return offer Mother Earth some with My/our love, thanks, and respect.

I/we shall eat this bread as the blessing from Father Sky, and in return offer Father Sky some with My/our love, thanks, and respect.

Thanking the Ancestors
Beloved Ancestors, whom guide me/us, and have gone before. I/we pray that you will be with me/us, and that I/we may call upon you again in the future. I/we thank you for your blessings, and aid on this night, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Thanking Father Sky
Father Sky, Keeper, and provider of light and energy. I/we thank you for your presence here, and your aid tonight, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Thanking Mother Earth
Mother Earth, Keeper, and protector of all life, and vegetation. I/we thank you for your presence here, and your aid tonight, and always. I/we offer you my/our respect, and love. May there be peace between us always. I/we bid you a fond farewell.

Dismissing the Quarters
Guardians of the Watchtower of the North I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the West I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the South I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Guardians of the Watchtower of the East I/we thank you for your presence here tonight. I/we thank you for your aid, and your guidance. May there be peace between us always. Go if you must stay if you will. I/we bid you hail, and farewell.

Opening the Circle
As above, So below.
As the universe, So the soul.
As without, So within.
The circle is open but not unbroken
So Mote It Be!

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