The Shrine of the Earth Festivals exists to provide an online place for people to participate in the learning, and celebration
of the eight Pagan/Wiccan Sabbats.
The Shrine of the Earth Festivals will hold online Sabbat rituals.
The Shrine of the Earth Festivals will teach different Pagan/Wiccan practices, and beliefs for the eight festivals.
The Shrine of the Earth Festivals will be a strickly online presence.
All members of the shrine will be expected to participate in the majority of discusions, and attend the majority of the
online rituals.
All members Live in a manner which honors the Wiccan Rede; Do as you will, but harm none.
All members should support, and help one another with the learning of the eight sabbats.
All members should Honor the Earth and all Her creatures as sacred, and work to heal and protect the environment.
All members are to repsect each other and the different beliefs of each person.
Qualifications for Membership in the Shrine of the Earth Festivals.
Membership in the Shrine of the Earth Festivals is open to all persons wishing to learn, and participate in the eight
Pagan/Wiccan festivals.
Privacy of Members:
No personal information (email addresses, ect..) will be given out with the members express permission.
Learning Information offered
Material on the eight sabbats
Material on some types of divination
Material on some herbs
Material on online rituals
Material on some acts of power
Material on some correspondence