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Scottish WitchCraft
Witchcraft in Scotland was practiced from the earlies times, and there were bitter crusades pursued by the Protestants, and Catholics agianst witchcraft due to their paranoia in thinking that the witches were servants of the Devil. Most Scottish witches

were like their Pictish forebears and practiced their craft as a solitary witch, and occasionaly would come togeather for special celebrations. In 1563 during the reign of Mary, Scottish Parliament made witchcraft legally punishable.

In Scottish legend their are stories of magical workings, spells, and charms, and most of this is a reflection of the airts that were used by the PectiWita, or Pict Witches. In Moray they would cut down woodbine during the waxing of the March moon, and they would twist these into wreaths, and then preserve them for a year, and a day afterwards they would take their young children that had fevers and would pass them through the wreath 3 times, and they would be cured.

You can still find traces of Druidic reverence for the sun throughout Scotland. They believe that the sun and the moon can exert strong magical influences, however in this respect the moon is more powerful than the sun.

The Mother Of All is call Cailleach whom is pictured as an old hag that has the teeth of a wild bear, or has a boars tusks. She was the great worker of spells, and also identifies with Scotia which is where Scotland got its name.

The male diety that was generally acknowledged was Gruagach which means The Long Haired One. In the Western Highlands of Scotland he was appeased by offerings of milk that had been poured into a hollow stone. Gruagach is the guardian of cattle, a valiant warrior, and a sorcerer.

Some of the other Gods of the Scottish Wiccans were Taranis the thunder God, Shoney whom ensured good fishing, Muireartach is the Hag Of The Sea, and Mother Of The Western Storms, Fionn is a warrior, magician, poet, and destroyed giants and monsters, and Sluag (Slooa) who is the host of the Unforgiving Dead, and inventor of the Ogham writing.

The Scottish Wiccans also had a strong belief in the earth and water spirits of various types, and earth worship was a strong aspect of Scottish paganism. They would often select a special piece of eart or earthen mound to concieve their children on, and would make offerings at standing stones, and sacred areas. They also believed in Giants, Kelpies that were found in Hebrides, and had a human appearance but could take the form of a horse, Brownies, and Mermaids.

The tools used in their craft are the staff which in their tradition is the sword and the wand rolled into one. It has many uses from a traveling staff, to a weapon, for consecrating a ritual circle. It is called a Luirgean or An Lorg Ohn in Gaelic. Then there is the dirk which is the second working tool which is a long bladded knife that has Scottish motifs etched on it.The third tool is the Keek-Stane which is like a scrying stone or equal to a crystal ball. Other tools used were the Mool which is an earthenware bowl, a Quaich which is a cup, Incense, and a Bell.

The PectiWita or Scottish witch celebrate four hollidays which are Samhuinn - November 11, Yule - December 22, Bealltainn - May15, Midsummer - July5.

Many of the rituals call for the witan to be high up on a mountain, with a fire as the center or focal point, and many of the Scottish witans still were a kilt to rituals.

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