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Ritual for Mabon

Items Needed:

Colors - purple, and green Incense - sage, and cinnamon Candles - Purple, green, and white chalice with drink white rope

Cast cirle:

Behold, I do cut apart a space between the realms of humankind and of the Mighty Ones -a Circle of Art, to focus and contain the power raised herein.

Call the Quarters:

East - Welcome to you, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, power of Air and intellect. we pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! I bid You a fond welcome

South - Welcome to you, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, power of Fire and manifestation. we pray that You will be with us this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this our undertaking! I bid You a fond welcome

West - Welcome to you, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, power of Water and emotion. I pray that You will be with me this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this my undertaking! I bid You a fond welcome

North - Welcome to you, O Guardian of the Watchtower of the North, power of Earth and integration. I pray that You will be with me this night in our circle, and that You will give Your blessing and Your aid to this my undertaking! I bid You a fond welcome

Invocation of the Gods:

Mother Earth & Father Sky The gracious greators of me The eternal... and ever-changing One's Who are found nowhere... but appears everywhere Beyond... and within all Timeless... circle of the seasons Unknowable mystery... known by all. Lady & Lord of the dance... Mother & Father of all life Be radiant within me... Engulf me with your love See with my eyes, hear with my ears, breathe with my nostrils, touch with my hands, kiss with my lips, Open my heart! That I may live free at last Joyful in the single song of all that is, was, or ever shall be!

Invocation of the Ancestors:

Ancestors from the past, and beloved ones whom have gone before, I invoke you and ask for you to join me, and bless me. Ancestors of all paths and traditions, and ancestors of all our familys whom have past, our spiritual family which lends me aid, wisdom, and support, please lend me your inspiration, and love, your guidance, and aid on this night. I pray Oh great Ancestors of the past and I bid you honor, and a fond welcome.

Main Body of Ritual


I have come here tonight in ritual to celebrate the Mabon Sabbat. This is the fall equinox when night and day once again are equa, and the God is now in his wanning phase. As I enter this phase of the seasons the days will grow shorter and the nights longer.

Act of Power:

Chakra Balancing

“Let us begin by clearing and releasing all excess energy. Let all excess energy pour out of you –let any tension, stress, or anxiety pour out of you like water, running down your body and out through your feet into the Earth, where it may be reused for better purposes.

“Now, let us become aware of our Heart Chakra. Imagine it as a ball of clear white light glowing in the center of your chest. See the light as clear, strong, and bright, and if it is mottled or occluded in any way take a moment to clear it. Imagine the Heart Chakra like a sun inside your chest, glowing with light and energy and strength.

“Now from your heart Chakra, send down a beam of light into the Earth: see the beam of light going down through your body, through your legs, through your feet and into the Earth: down into the soil, deeper and deeper, into the rich Earth, down into the rock, deep into the bedrock, further and further through the rocky mantle of the Earth –until at last it enters the molten center of the Earth.

“Send your beam of light into the glowing magma, the warm and pulsing heart of Mother Earth. Feel the heat of it –feel the strength of it –feel the energy of the Earth. Glowing hot and golden: It is full of love and peace, strength and power.

“Now feel the golden energy of the Earth moving up through your beam of light –feel the strong energy of the Earth moving up through the bedrock, moving up through the soil, up through your feet and into your body –let the golden energy come up through your legs and into your torso to fill your Heart Chakra. Let the hot and glowing energy of the Earth fill your Heart Chakra –feel the warmth and strength and peace of the Earth filling your Heart, feel Her burning love and joy –let it fill your Heart Chakra then move out through your whole body –out into your shoulders and your abdomen, into your arms and your legs, all the way out to your fingers and toes, until you are filled completely with the golden light of the Earth.

“Savor the energy. Feel it flow through you, filling and suffusing you. Imagine the golden energy moving out from the edges of your physical body now, beginning to fill your aura. See the golden energy filling your aura, expanding and moving around you until you are surrounded by a ball of golden energy –until you and your aura are completely filled by the energy of the Earth.

“Now, become aware of your Heart Chakra again. As the strong and loving energy of the Earth fills you and moves within you, send up another beam of light from your Heart Chakra. Imagine this beam of light moving upward –up through your head, up into the air, out into the sky –feel the beam of light going up further and further, higher and higher –feel the beam of light moving up into the clouds, then past them, into the upper reaches of the atmosphere.

“Feel the energy of the heavens, airy and broadly expansive. Where Earth is hot and passionate, filled with warm emotion, the heavens are cool and analytical, free-floating and mercurial. The energy of the heavens is clear and precise, glittering with a silvery blue-white light.

“now imagine the energy of the heavens, begin to move down your beam of light, cool and glittering it moves down through the beam of light, down from the outer atmosphere into the clouds, down through the clouds into the sky, down, down –moving down the beam, down further until it enters through the top of your head, moving down through your neck and into your chest, to fill your Heart Chakra.

“Feel the cool, sharp energy of the heavens fill your Heart Chakra –feel its clarity and precision. Let it fill your Heart Chakra then move out through your whole body –out into your shoulders and your abdomen, into your arms and your legs, all the way out to your fingers and toes, until you are filled completely with the silvery light of the heavens.

“And now let the warm, loving energy of the Earth and the cool, determined energy of the heavens, come into balance within you. Feel the two energies balancing one another, bring your own energy and all of your Chakras into balance as they do so. Feel the movement of the energy within you, as they come into perfect balance and harmony.

“On this night of Equinox the Divine Mother Goddess and Divine Father God are in perfect harmony and balance. Let us too be in perfect balance. Mother Goddess and Father God, Bless us we pray with the love You share between Yourselves and with all things. May we too love as You, and may our lives be ever sweet.”


Blessed Be the Mother Earth Blessed Be the Father Sky Blessed Be Their union within me!

"Blessed Be the Mother Earth Blessed Be the Father Sky Blessed Be Them in eternity!

"Blessed Be the Mother Earth Blessed Be the Father Sky Blessed Be Their Divine Harmony!


Healing Prayer knots

Think of something that has happened that I have done wrong it, and emagine healing energies for that, and anyone connected with it. Hold the rope and emagine it filling with a brilliant white healing energy of light

Say :

Mother Earth, and Father Sky please lend me your aid in the healing of the ones I have wronged. Please take this healing energy that I offer through this rope of white and send it on to those whom need.May this energy be passed through the wind as it blows, and received by the persons thats I wronged, and have woes. with no harm done to none and my will and your aid. so mote it be.

Now tie 3 knots into the rope one at each end and 1 in the center


This first knot I tie is for the gentlemans pain may the healing be be strong, may the gentleman stay.

The second is for the wonderful mom, may the pain that she's felt, totaly be gone.

The 3rd is for me, may I learn from this wrong, may all the pain thats been felt please be all gone.

Now tie rope onto dreamcatcher.


Oh brilliant dreamcatcher above, that represents the circle of life. I tie this healing rope upon you. I ask that with the winds of the night you send the healing forth to those I have wronged, and I pray that at first mornings light all the pain be gone so its right. with the powers of 3 x 3 and harm done to none. so mote it be.

Toast of Offering

pick up the drink and say:

Mother Earth and Father Sky bold this offering made by human hands and received from your kind hearted giving. I take this drink into my soul and give this toast to you and honor your souls.

Drink beverage and the pour a little onto the earth, and toss some up to the sky.


Thanking the Ancestors:

Beloved ancestors, your wisdom and your example guide me. Ie pray that you will be with me as I go forward, and that I may call upon you in the future. I thank you for your aid on this night and at all times. I offer you my love and respect. And I bid you honor and fond farewell.

Thanking Mother Earth, and Father Sky:

I thank Mother Earth and Father Sky for their presence now and always, and for their continued Love and Guidance for me. I offer you my continued love and respect. I bid you honor and a fond farwell.

Dismissing the Quarters:

Guardian of the Watchtower of the North I thank You for Your presence here tonight -I thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. may there be peace between Us now and always. Go if You must -stay if You will. I bid You hail, and farewell

Guardian of the Watchtower of the West, I thank You for Your presence here tonight -I thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. may there be peace between Us now and always. Go if You must -stay if You will. I bid You hail, and farewell

Guardian of the Watchtower of the South, I thank You for Your presence here tonight -I thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. may there be peace between Us now and always. Go if You must -stay if You will. I bid You hail, and farewell

Guardian of the Watchtower of the East, I thank You for Your presence here tonight -I thank You for Your aid, and Your guidance. may there be peace between Us now and always. Go if You must -stay if You will. I bid You hail, and farewell

Open the Circle:

As Above, So Below. As the Universe, so the Soul. As without, so within
the circle is open but unbroken
So mote it be

copywrite © 2004 ladyshadowfeather